How Do You Use GKDecisionTrees?

Hi there,

I cannot figure out how on earth to use Gameplay Kits DecisionTrees. I have seen a few examples of how to create them, however I get a lot of errors when it comes to the NSObjectProtocol sections. I found I can use NSString and stuff in place of them and the decision tree that is created looks fine but I get lost with inputting the answers into the tree to get an appropriate answer. I have attempted below at it in a class but it produces nothing of what I want. Are they obsolete or is the documentation just strange, cause the example it gives dont work.


import UIKit

import GameplayKit

import SpriteKit

class AITrees {

let CanCastAny = "Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" as NSString

let MoveNextTurn = "Move To Next Turn" as NSString

let OneSlotLeft = "Do I Have One Slot Left" as NSString

let PrintYes = "Yes" as NSString

let PrintNo = "No" as NSString

init() {}

func EasyAITree(){

let easyDecisionTree = GKDecisionTree(attribute: CanCastAny)

let root = easyDecisionTree.rootNode

root?.createBranch(predicate: NSPredicate(value: true), attribute: OneSlotLeft)

root?.createBranch(predicate: NSPredicate(value: false), attribute: MoveNextTurn)

let answers: [NSString : NSObjectProtocol] = [

"Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" : false as NSObjectProtocol




print(easyDecisionTree.findAction(forAnswers: answers)!)




Accepted Reply

I did it! After a day of slamming in random answers and reading random blogs on the internet, i've scooby doo'd the answer.

I couldn't figure out how to use a predicate as true/false, but by using a value of 1 or 0 and creating a dictionary of String hashable to NSNumbers (I know I could've used 0 or 1 in place or true and false but I just found it simpler to understand in creating). Also anyone looking at the documentation and has no idea what it means by NSObjectProtocol like I did, it means like NSString or NSNumber or NSArray; I couldn't really find a lot that was saying this. I left a working class below for the DecisionTree, the answer it produces in the state below is "No" but you can expand it out.

import UIKit

import GameplayKit

import SpriteKit

class AITrees {

let CanCastAny = "Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" as NSString

let MoveNextTurn = "Move To Next Turn" as NSString

let OneSlotLeft = "Do I Have One Slot Left" as NSString

let PrintYes = "Yes" as NSString

let PrintNo = "No" as NSString

init() {}

func EasyAITree(){

let easyDecisionTree = GKDecisionTree(attribute: CanCastAny)

let root = easyDecisionTree.rootNode

let insideBranch = root?.createBranch(value: 1, attribute: OneSlotLeft)

root?.createBranch(value: 0, attribute: MoveNextTurn)

insideBranch?.createBranch(value: 1, attribute: PrintYes)

insideBranch?.createBranch(value: 0, attribute: PrintNo)

let answers = [

"Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" : true as NSNumber,

"Do I Have One Slot Left" : false as NSNumber




let answer = easyDecisionTree.findAction(forAnswers: answers)





I did it! After a day of slamming in random answers and reading random blogs on the internet, i've scooby doo'd the answer.

I couldn't figure out how to use a predicate as true/false, but by using a value of 1 or 0 and creating a dictionary of String hashable to NSNumbers (I know I could've used 0 or 1 in place or true and false but I just found it simpler to understand in creating). Also anyone looking at the documentation and has no idea what it means by NSObjectProtocol like I did, it means like NSString or NSNumber or NSArray; I couldn't really find a lot that was saying this. I left a working class below for the DecisionTree, the answer it produces in the state below is "No" but you can expand it out.

import UIKit

import GameplayKit

import SpriteKit

class AITrees {

let CanCastAny = "Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" as NSString

let MoveNextTurn = "Move To Next Turn" as NSString

let OneSlotLeft = "Do I Have One Slot Left" as NSString

let PrintYes = "Yes" as NSString

let PrintNo = "No" as NSString

init() {}

func EasyAITree(){

let easyDecisionTree = GKDecisionTree(attribute: CanCastAny)

let root = easyDecisionTree.rootNode

let insideBranch = root?.createBranch(value: 1, attribute: OneSlotLeft)

root?.createBranch(value: 0, attribute: MoveNextTurn)

insideBranch?.createBranch(value: 1, attribute: PrintYes)

insideBranch?.createBranch(value: 0, attribute: PrintNo)

let answers = [

"Can I Cast Any Cards In My Hand?" : true as NSNumber,

"Do I Have One Slot Left" : false as NSNumber




let answer = easyDecisionTree.findAction(forAnswers: answers)


