Deprecated Files

How does someone resolve deprecated issues in xcode? See error message below. Also is there a way to correct deprecated errors as a group? I have 11 different errors to correct.

/Users/macuser/Downloads/slvhcsresources_58_ios_source-noads-2/AppsMobileCompany/Plugins/cordova-plugin-app-event/AppDelegate+APPAppEvent.m:79:32: 'CDVLocalNotification' is deprecated: Deprecated in Cordova 4.0. Functionality removed in 4.0, constant will be removed in 5.0


That warning is coming from Cordova, you will need to take a look at their documentation in order to see what you should be using in place of the deprecated CDVLocalNotification.

>Also is there a way to correct deprecated errors as a group?

If possible, a broad update of whatever is at fault is usually the cure. Best to go to the source, tho, which in your example appears to be from a 3rd party and not something specifically related to Xcode.

Thanks so much for the response!! Here are a few other deprecated issues. Any ideas on how to resolve?

/Users/macuser/Downloads/slvhcsresources_58_ios_source-noads-2/AppsMobileCompany/Plugins/phonegap-plugin-push/PushPlugin.m:90:54: 'UIRemoteNotificationTypeNone' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 8.0 - Use UserNotifications Framework's UNAuthorizationOptions for user notifications and registerForRemoteNotifications for receiving remote notifications instead.

/Users/macuser/Downloads/slvhcsresources_58_ios_source-noads-2/AppsMobileCompany/Plugins/cordova-plugin-geolocation/CDVLocation.m:76:31: 'kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 8.0 - Use kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways

/Users/macuser/Downloads/slvhcsresources_58_ios_source-noads-2/AppsMobileCompany/Plugins/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/CDVInAppBrowser.m:663:75: 'UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 8.0 - Use UIBarButtonItemStylePlain when minimum deployment target is iOS7 or later

/Users/macuser/Downloads/slvhcsresources_58_ios_source-noads-2/AppsMobileCompany/Plugins/cordova-plugin-geofence/GeofencePlugin.swift:29:54: 'default' was deprecated in iOS 8.0: Use qos attributes instead

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