Future SIP modifications

Is there a list anywhere of any upcoming changes to SIP (system integrity protection)? As time has progressed, several of our apps have become less and less functional when SIP is enabled. We're working around this now, but is there any list of things that SIP will limit in the future available?

For example, one our workarounds is to put a helper tool /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools and then use standard IPC techniques (named pipes, sockets, etc) to communicate with the helper tool from the app. So far, this seems to still be working. Another technique is to put a helper tool in the /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools directory tagged as using MachServices. This allows us to use XPC instead of "standard" IPC tactics. Right now, both seem to work, but my question is, "for how long?"

Additionally, how about any other restrictions to the OS and SIP?

Thanks in advance.