How to keep a button of a NSStatusItem highlighted?

I just want a stantdard behabiour of my status item. If the button of the status item is clicked, it should be highlighted and a popup appears. As soon the popup disappears, the button is not highlighted any more. Currently the button seems to be a momentary push button, because it is only highlighted between the mouse down and mouse up event.

I tried to change the button styoe without success:

_statusItem = [statusBar statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
[_statusItem.button setButtonType:NSOnOffButton];
_statusItem.button.image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"status_item"];
_statusItem.button.image.size = NSMakeSize(22.0, 22.0);
_statusItem.button.image.template = YES;
_statusItem.button.action = @selector(statusItemClicked:); = self;

Then I tried to highlight the button programmatically:

-(IBAction)statusItemClicked:(id)sender {
    if (!_statusItemWindowController) {
        _statusItemWindowController = [[IQSRStatusItemWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"StatusItemPanel"];
    if (_statusItemWindowController.window.isVisible) {
        [_statusItemWindowController hideStatusItemWindow];
        [_statusItem.button setState:NSOffState];
        [_statusItem.button highlight:NO];
    } else {
        [_statusItemWindowController showStatusItemWindow];
        [_statusItem.button setState:NSOnState];
        [_statusItem.button highlight:YES];

This is not working either. Has someone an idea? I could exchange the image, but this is more a workaround and not a solution.


Is it IOS or OSX ?

Try using setHighlited instead of highlight.

have a look at this discussion h ttps://

Thanks. This solution works for me:

    NSStatusBar *statusBar = [NSStatusBar systemStatusBar];
    _statusItem = [statusBar statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
    _statusItem.button.image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"status_item"];
    _statusItem.button.image.size = NSMakeSize(22.0, 22.0);
    _statusItem.button.image.template = YES; = self;
    [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDown | NSRightMouseDown)
                                          handler:^NSEvent *(NSEvent *event) {
                                              if (event.window == self.statusItem.button.window) {
                                                  [self statusItemClicked:nil];
                                                  return nil;
                                              return event;

with the following action:

-(IBAction)statusItemClicked:(id)sender {
    if (!_statusItemWindowController) {
        _statusItemWindowController = [[IQSRStatusItemWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"StatusItemPanel"];
    if (_statusItemWindowController.window.isVisible) {
        [_statusItemWindowController hideStatusItemWindow];
        [_statusItem.button highlight:false];
    } else {
        [_statusItemWindowController showStatusItemWindow];
        [_statusItem.button highlight:true];

What did you change exactly ? Replace YES by true ?