MPNowPlayingInfo doesnt update Control Center on the lock screen


I started a playback using AVAudioSession Playback Category using AVPlayer and subscribed for the remote notifications.

Then I tapped lock screen. My audio is playing and MPNowPlayingInfo updates lock screen info right way. The background task is started also.

Then I tapped next button. My logic stopped AVPlayer and started a playback using MPMusicPlayerController.SystemMusicPlayer for iTunes songs.SystemMusicPlayer updates lock screen playback info right way.

Then I tapped next button. My logic started a playback of next song using AVPlayer using MixWithOthers audiosession. The playback started, but I cant no longer update Lock Screen Playback Info (title, artistname, artwork) until I make an app active again.

Background Modes are configured right way with support background audio.

Hope, somebody faced the same issue.



Currently I'm facing the same issue. Have you ever been able to come up with solution to this?