Assign a project to a team fail


I am running xcode 9.2 (9C40b) on Mac OS X 10.13.3

In Xcode, when I try to assign a project to a team, under the Project Settings, and Signing Section,

I click the Automatically manage signing, then I select my account, which says (Personal Team),

then things go wrong.

First there is a spinning disk that says "Waiting to repair...", then "Creating certificate", then I get

this error

Communication with Apple failed

A non-HTTP 200 response was received (400) for URL

With a "Try Again" button, which no matter how many times you click it ends up back to the error, and underneath.

No profiles for 'com.example.Something' were found

Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.example.Something'.

I am stuck.

At the moment I dont have a paid subscription.

I would prefer to relearn ios before buying another subscription.

I used to over 5 years ago, and I also used to have a different mac, but I know I deauthorized it.

One thing I have noticed on the mac I am using, is when I try to authorise the computer for itunes, the username and password keeps poping up round in circles.


Did you create a new, unique apple ID to use w/Xcode's free provisioning?

How did you fix it?