xctest measure not failing when performance bounds are crossed

Hello everyone,

I had a question around the XCTest measure https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xctest/xctestcase/1496290-measure API. My test does not fail, even if the standard deviation is not met.

measured [Time, seconds] average: 0.054, relative standard deviation: 10.368%, 
values: [0.059608, 0.053853, 0.048230, 0.066531, 0.049239, 0.054683, 0.047571, 0.056887, 0.051896, 0.050362], performanceMetricID:com.apple.XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime, baselineName: "Local Baseline", baselineAverage: 0.000, maxPercentRegression: 10.000%, maxPercentRelativeStandardDeviation: 0.000%, maxRegression: 0.100, maxStandardDeviation: 0.100

Is there something wrong with the setup? Would appreciate any insights.




As you can see in your log, there is also an absolute time threshold:

maxRegression: 0.100

As your times are below this threshold, performance test won't fail. I have the same issue and didn't find any way to customize this threshold. For now the only solution I have is increasing the amount of work done in measured block so that it takes at least 0.1s in optimized scenario. This way, regressions are detected when running tests.