iOS 11 airplay


My App uses AVPlayer and


Some time between iOS 9 and iOS 11 it stopped showing nowPlaying via Airplay on Apple TV. The audio still plays.

My iOS 9 devices with same version of my app, works like before.

So apperantly Apple has made some changes I'm not aware of...

Anyone? Please? :-)



On iOS 9 Airplaying -> Apple TV 4. gen. MPNowPlayingInfoCenter works.

On iOS 9Airplaying->Apple TV 3. gen. MPNowPlayingInfoCenterworks.

On iOS 11 Airplaying -> Apple TV 4. gen. only play audio, no info from MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.....

On iOS 11 Airplaying -> Apple TV 3. gen. Works!?!?!

Seriously? no one even have a suggestion or maybe a #MeToo??

Driving me nuts!

Me too

I think is related to the AVAudioSession, try using non-mixable option as empty, it will allow to persist your information on the NowPlayingInfoCenter.

try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, options: [])