Digest email from search ads but not my app

I received an email from Apple Search Ads perporting to be a summary of last month's impressions and installs, etc., but it's not my app. It's some other developer's app.

The email subject was "View your last month's results." and contained data for "Installs", "Avg. CPI", and "Spend".

This seems like somewhat private information I wouldn't want apple sharing with other developers, so I won't post a screenshot here. Somehow Apple seems to have gotten their wires crossed.


I have the same situation and have created a request to Support team.

>so I won't post a screenshot here.

Screenshots/inline images are banned from sharing here, so....it wouldn't matter if you tried, but thanks for caring.

Apple admits mistake - see :

h ttps://techcrunch.com/2018/02/07/apple-says-a-processing-error-led-it-to-send-developers-wrong-app-install-and-ad-spend-details/