SiriKit-Car Commands

Hy Everybody,

I have created an app that allows me to lock and unlock my car. Now I want to do that with Siri.

I already have the "Sirikit CarCommand-Intents" in my code. I can also lock and unlock my car with Siri via the INSetCarLockStatusIntent, but not pass the lock status to the INGetCarLockStatus. So my car is always unlocked when I ask Siri.

Can someone help me?

Greets Mathias


Have you looked at the car intents download attached to the WWDC session Making Great SiriKit Experiences?

Hi edford, I am also wondering can Car command domain with

which also utilize INVocabulary to trigger BE service layer API call to do remote start? Or if it's not supported, can newer iOS 12 SiriKit Intent Definition File (custom intent approach) achieve it? Will this implementation rejected during App review process? Thanks.

You should only use the car commands for the documented purpose. The purpose specific domains like car commands have learning applied to understand the user's intention and phrases, so trying to shim a different purpose into those commands, and the resulting phrases a user might want to use to start their car, will not be a good user experience.

As to doing this with a shortcut, that is possible. Please contact App Review for any questions on what is allowed on the App Store from a policy perspective.

hum ok, thank you edford, we will give shortcut approach a try if Car Command is not recommended. Will also check with your app store review team and see. thanks!

hey edford, do you know who in App Review team I can have direct contact with? I posted a question in distribution forums
but didn't get any reply yet. Also I am wondering will car command domain support starting car in the future? thanks!

You can contact App Review through the developer website.