AR Reference Image bugs

I've been experimenting with the 11.3 beta, and have come across two bugs that I don't see discussed here - so I will add as a method of public tracking. Neither are blocking as there are simple workarounds - but they presented major challenges for me and I wanted to ensure I could help others.

New AR Reference Images are created with malformed json files (bug 37116295)

  • Any time you create a new AR Reference Image in the asset catalogue, the contents.json file is missing required content
  • This issue produces no clue, warning, or error, but results in images not being detected in the AR scene
  • This applies to images dragged in, and created by using the + or right click menus
  • The issue is missing content in the "images" section, and can be fixed by adding "idiom" and "filename" pair
"images" : [


"images" : [

"images" : [
   "idiom" : "universal",
   "filename" : "filename.png"

actool does not compile asset catalogues containing AR Resource Groups with a deploy target <11.3 (bug 37096399)

  • This prevents adding support for older devices and weak linking
  • The error is very cryptic, but is caused by actool + AR Resource Group with an deploy target <11.3
  • To fix, change your deploy target
error: Exception while running actool: *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: catalog)

I'd expect both of these to be fixed in good time, but for now - we patch.


Any update on bug 37096399 and when we can build for a deployment target of 11.0?

Just confirmed fixed in Xcode 10 (10L176w)