Panning to top or bottom speaker in iPhone7

Is it possible to pan to the top or bottom speakers on the iPhone 7 when it is in portrait mode? Alternately, is there any way to route output to the top or bottom speaker only, possibly using AVAudioSession or similar?

I'm the maintainer of an open source sound-based modem library. A user reported that transmission from this library is poor on the iPhone 7, and after some testing, it seems the iPhone 7 chooses to mix stereo and play it from both speakers. Unfortunately this results in destructive interference for my library (and any other similar sonic modem, I imagine). If there is any way to disable this behavior in a programmatic fashion, it would help me tremendously.


Also, to clarify, my library already handles the typical stereo case by generating stereo output, but writing silence to one of the channels. I suspect everything works fine on the iPhone 7 in landscape mode. Anything that mixes channels and plays from both speakers is troublesome, though.