iOS 9 beta touchscreen unresponsive

Has anyone encountered a lack of responsiveness to the touchscreen?

After successfully downloading and using the iOS 9 beta, I recharged my iPad Mini 2. Upon a full charge, I have since found the iPad to be completely unresponsive to the touch. I cannot swipe to get to the passcode screen and I cannot swipe to power down the device. I also cannot unlock the device to turn off Find My Phone for a restore.

Any solutions, work arounds or other such suggestions?


Does the issue persist after a reset (holding home and power buttions until you see the white Apple logo against the black background)?

Yes, I have seen this twice too with iPhone 6. The HW buttons still function.

A reset by holding the home and power is the only way out.

i have the same problem here!

installed ios9 beta on my iphone 5 and it worked good.

after first charge the touchscreen had bugs/didnt work.

i made some hard resets, reinstalled ios 8 but the touchscrenn is still not working corretly 😟

now it also got these vertical stripes

Press and hold the POWER and HOME buttons until the device resets itself.

It has happened to me. And the phone app crashes sometimes too.

iOS 8.0 and 7.0 beta were much more stable by beta 3, IIRC.

i said ive done that before not working:-(

I've had iOS 9 Public Beta 1 for a couple days. Freaked out this morning, alarm went off, but touch screen was completely useless. I couldn't try to turn off (hold power, swipe), luckily I found out about home+power. Now my touch screen works again.

This is on a 5s. I've never had this issue.

Also, with Twitter, the bottom bar of icons is very unresponsive with iOS 9.

I experienced this effect also on my iPhone 6 Plus and last sunday also on my Apple Watch running Beta 3. On both devices the physical buttons work but the touchscreen not.

I have also had that issue it has recently increased dramatically. I'm using an iPhone 6 Plus and the latest iOS 9 beta. Sometimes a reset wiLl fix it and others it will not. Touchscreen works sporadically and theres an odd display anomaly at the top when pushing the display.

Another case of unresposivenss touch screen here! Iphone 6+ starts to slow down ... and random annomilys occur upon touches.... then just randomly stops working ... power + home button is a temporary fix but eventually comes back slowly.

Touchscreen unresponsive, have white flickering at top of the screen and have to wait or reset phone to get it to work again. Touchscreen is not as responsive overall even when I am able to get it to work

IPhone 6+

Same Exact thing happening to me, screen intermittently is unresponsive to touch - even resetting it by holding down the two hardware buttons doesnt always remedy the issue. Any other suggestions? Hardware or Software ??

This issue is still present in IOS 9 Beta 3.

Reset works for me.

Yeah ive been having the same problem too, it was working perfectly fine for the first couple of days even after charging, but then at the 3rd day when I pressed an app or something or hit the home button the animation of the app opening wouldn't be there and instead it would just jump cut straight to the app. Then on the fourth day when I tried to open up my phone (not on full charge) the home screen was just totally unresponsive, however it was still possible to use assisitave touch. Literally everything on the homepage is unresponsive (slide to unlock, slide up for camera, slide up for control panel, and even the slide to power off (after it tried to turn if off). Another thing is, my power button is damaged too so there is no way for me to even restart my phone (holding down the power button with the homebutton) so im now just stuck with my phone totally useless (except to check the time on the home screen) and im having to have to take it to the apple store to get it somehow fixed.

Ps if you have managed to reset it you could probably plug your device to itunes to update it back to ios 8 and continue to re use ios 8 untill apple fixes this "bug". Please fix this as soon as you can Apple <3