textview in xib causes error

I have a xib view with a label and textview. The xib is added as a subview to a uiscrollview on a viewcontroller. When it run's it gives the following error:

[MC] Lazy loading NSBundle MobileCoreServices.framework

[MC] Loaded MobileCoreServices.framework

However, the app is still running and seems to work functionally. When I click on the text view I get the following error message:

[MC] System group container for systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles path is /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F0A0C50D-94DB-4140-AEED-73515D237439/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles

2018-01-24 06:55:11.080399-0700 xibTesting[2865:29446] [MC] Reading from private effective user settings.

When I remove the textview from the xib view the error message goes away. Textfield also causes the same problem. Any idea what could causes this?


I have this same issue

Get exactly the same symptoms. I've elected to ignore them, as there is no visible effect.

More details here :

h ttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/40024316/reading-from-public-effective-user-settings-in-ios-10