Is there a limit on the number of iOS App IDs I can have in my developer account?

Is there a limit on the number of App IDs I can have in my developer account?

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I just got it to work. I played around with it a little bit. Turned on and off automatic signing and iCloud capabilities and somehow it worked.

I'm not concerned about what caused the problem at this time or what fixed it. I just know that it's working. If the problem occurs again, I'll worry about it then.

Thank you for your help and patience.


I'm trying to figure out why automatic signing isn't creating an App ID for me.

I am not aware of any maximum app ID limit with a paid Developer Program account.

As for automatic code signing, perhaps if you specifically described the fail, exactly, someone could offer suggestions. What you did, what you expected, how those two differ, etc.

I think you have total three threads going on this right now, so if you pick one, instead, it may help others to help you so that all the info is in one place, thanks. I'll wait while you sort them out.

What happens when I delete an App ID in my developer account?

Will creating a project by copying another project interfere with the creation of App IDs in my developer account when I use automatic signing?