Would Apple approve of an iPhone X-only app?

Simple question. I was playing around with AR face tracking and I wondered if Apple would allow an app that is exclusivley for devices with the TrueDepth sensor(as of now, the iPhone X) onto the App Store?

If so, how do you convey to users the app is only for the iPhone X and what kind of screenshots would need to be uploaded to iTunes connect(since the 5.5 inch is required but 5.8 inch is optional)


Typically, no. Devs are expected to restrict only by iOS version support and/or distinct hardware capability, and in that example TD is not yet a supported key. Note that arkit is a listed key, which covers devices down to the iPhone SE.

This has come up in the past, and you are urged to file an enhancement request as in this previous thread: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/87796