ARKit Testing?


I have developed multiple ARKit application and the result is good so far. But I stucked at some point in every application is its testing.

I needed to test the AR Application manually and this consumed more time than development. I needed to test every activity of AR app in every scenario near my surroundings.

If there is way to automate or find a solution to test AR Application then it would reduce lots of efforts. If someone has reached any conclusion then it would be a big help.



Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of jaymomaya95 Down vote post of jaymomaya95


Can you explain that a bit more? What's "every activity" mean.

Probably means every action the users can do in app, or example dropping an object on every plane, or on non-detected plane, interacting with objects, moving the camera/phone quickly, etc.

All of these actions go way beyong simple UI testing, and I'm wondering also if it's possible to do any automation here (especially for an app using face mapping or the True Depth Camera on iPhone X).

Yes, you got me right. And also is there any way to manipulate the camera stream that ARSCNView is getting to detect plane? If that is possible then we can also automate its plane detection.

Do you mean giving a fake feed for tests purposes?

I sadly don't think so, as that's generated in real time from many elements (camera(s), gyroscope, etc) and it's a non-public API..

But it's a good idea, maybe fill an enhancement request with Apple? They already do this for the GPS and Heartrate, so why not with ARKit.