GEO Blocking Issue for App Review

HI Guys,

I am facing an issue here. My app is only can use in Australia and we will block all IP address outside Austraila, which means even

Apple Review Team can not access the app from USA.

Is there a way to get Apple Review Team's IP address then I can whitelist this IP addresses on our end. So Apple review team can

access our app. We have been rejected many times because App Review team can not see any contents in the App.

I got an answer from here:

But I can not find block of IP addresses in any official pages from Apple.




>have been rejected many times because App Review team can not see any contents in the App.

Have you considered creating a demo video, instead? Upload it to a server somewhere, then provide the link w/any credentials via that app's meta data notes.

See the ASRGs: "If we’re not able to access part of your app because it’s geo-locked or otherwise restricted, provide a link to a video of the functionality"

This has the added benefit where you can use that video in the store as a Preview.

Assuming the app is not already on the App Store, why not just whitelist EVERYBODY until the review is done then go back to making it Australia-only.

I found block of IP addresses is assigned to Apple in the support page from Apple.

> It's best to let your device access these ports on the entire address block, which is assigned to Apple.