Xcode IDE question: why is it trying to be so helpful in comments but NOWHERE ELSE?

this is a failry recent development, probably in the last major release. (XCode 9.2)

I have a fairly large (for me) project, with a handful of targets, and dependencies. (just for context)

while editing the classes (swift) I get very few autocompletion sugestions. It's very poor. Sometimes zero. I find out occasionally that my file is not actually included in any targets, and adding it to a target might increase the autocompletion suggestions a little. But when I am writing comments using either /* or // autocompletion suggestions occur at every keystroke, sometimes actually blocking me from writing anything coherent. This seems to occur all the time (though admittedly, I haven't really isolated it and tested... XCode also rouinely ignores the setting for including files in targets... cute)

Is there any way to set XCode to Stop trying to autocomplete comments?

is there any way to fix the lack of autocomplete suggestions?

it used to me massively more useful, the only thing keeping me from turning off the system entirely is my hope that it will magically right itself. But the issue with the coments is not just distracting, it very quickly devolves into a fight against the tide.

Accepted Reply

>Is there any way to set XCode to Stop trying to autocomplete comments?

You can only disable globally via Xcode - Preferences - Text Editing... • Suggest completions while typing

Seems others here have had similar complaints - perhaps time to file a bug against the tools, adding you report # to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck.


>Is there any way to set XCode to Stop trying to autocomplete comments?

You can only disable globally via Xcode - Preferences - Text Editing... • Suggest completions while typing

Seems others here have had similar complaints - perhaps time to file a bug against the tools, adding you report # to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck.

that's what i was afraid of.

Is there any way to reset the obvious database?

the comment suggestions use my Own words as suggestions. the context is completely useless there, so I'm hoping that deleting the database will get me a repreive for a little while.

hmmmm - perhaps one of the Xcode specific plists in ~/Library/Preferences

Or: /Users/"username"/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary