What Should The Launch Screen of a SpriteKit Game Be?


What exactly should I make the launch screen of a SpriteKit Game be? I've seen some games out there that have the game company logo as the launch screen, but the Human Interface Guidlines says, "Don’t include logos or other branding elements unless they’re a static part of your app’s first screen."

Long story short, I'm a little confused on what is allowed and what isn't allowed. Also, if I have to make my launch screen something that will "fade in" to my app, how would I go about doing that, given that (as far as I know) you can't just copy-and-paste from a Sprite Kit Scene to a Storyboard?


John K.

Accepted Reply

You can do, basically, one of 3 things to follow that HIG recommendation:

1. A plain screen of your app's initial scene background color.

2. A screen composed of multiple images, placed via layout constraints to approximate the static parts (or some static parts) of the initial game scene.

3. A single image that's appropriate for all screen sizes, with a transition for your initial game scene that starts from the same appearance as the image, then transitions to the actual scene appropriate for the actual screen size.

In most cases, you're going to be stuck with doing #1, but you might find a creative way of doing one of the other options for your game design.


You can do, basically, one of 3 things to follow that HIG recommendation:

1. A plain screen of your app's initial scene background color.

2. A screen composed of multiple images, placed via layout constraints to approximate the static parts (or some static parts) of the initial game scene.

3. A single image that's appropriate for all screen sizes, with a transition for your initial game scene that starts from the same appearance as the image, then transitions to the actual scene appropriate for the actual screen size.

In most cases, you're going to be stuck with doing #1, but you might find a creative way of doing one of the other options for your game design.

What exactly is number 1 talking about? Would it just be taking the background color of the first screen and making the launch screen just that color?

>What exactly should I make the launch screen of a SpriteKit Game be?

Have you composed any meta data screenshots yet? No need to add your logo where it doesn't already exist...users have already bought in.

The launchImage won't be seen consistently...only on first launch/not when a session is restarted. I'd keep it simple, with just the basic elements the user sees the first time they use the app.

One way to gather ideas is to check out some of the more popular/professional games in the store. Check a few to develop an aggregate scope, etc.

>you can't just copy-and-paste from a Sprite Kit Scene to a Storyboard?

If you do a live screencapture, either on the device or via simulator, you can use that view as you desire. Try cmd-cntrl-shift-4 all at once, then hold and drag across the exact region you need, then open Preview and use the menu to make a new image via the clipboard. Confirm dimensions, save/add to the project and use as required for launchImage.

As to what's allowed, my opinion is that review will look to make sure what they see matches the rest of the app - it's a problem if two different stories are told. Be consistent. Not sure how much branding they would pass judgement on. Again, the user already has the app, so no need to go overboard.

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Exactly so.

You can take a look at some Apple apps to see how little they do in launch screens. Notes, for example, is just a plain white display. The Compass app displays just the circular ring, in the right place, but none of the text or other widgetry.

The idea is that your launch screen is displayed only momentarily, so you don't want the user to feel that some information was missed as it flits by.