ODR Unable to get Initial Install Tag Working

I am currently playing around with ODR in Xcode Beta 3.

I am having trouble getting the 'Initial Install Tag' working... I would expect that tagging assets w/ the Initial Install Tags on my app resources would imply that a resource would at least be "downloaded" when viewing the ODR on the new disk view found in the debug navigator when debugging an iOS Application. However, even with the Initial Install Tag or Prefetch Tags, the debugged application always seems to download the ODR resource as if it were a "Download Only On Demand."

I have successfully got the 'Download Only On Demand' Tags to work. Is there an obvious 'duh' aspect I am missing for the 'Initiall Install Tag's?

I am just doing something wrong? Is this a bug in Xcode?

Still an issue on 10.11 beta5, Xcode 7b4

As a developer, not being able to test Initial Install Tags or Prefetched Tags make me hesistant on using this feature. How can I test if my onboarding content worked until it's live in the App Store!?

[Update] Right before Xcode 7beta5 came out, Apple sent an email out inviting users to try ODR & App Thinning through Testflight. This is definitely a step forward, but I can only view it from the users' point of view; I can't inspect the state of the ODR content if it's loaded or not on a Testflight app. In addition in iOS 9b5, even deleting the app seems to keep the ODR content around. [/Update]

In addition, a NSBundleResourceRequestLowDiskSpaceNotification in the Simulator would greatly help in testing the validity of my code (much like the low memory warning menu option)

I'm getting the same bug in iOS 9 Beta 5, in which deleting the app keeps the ODR around. Have you figured out what's happening? If not, maybe consider filing a bug report with Apple if you haven't already. I have one open but they are having trouble reproducing it.

The "Initial Install Tag" doesn't even behave as described in the documents in Test Flight builds.

When installed from XCode or TestFlight, these resources are not included with the install. They are not available in the callback from conditionallyBeginAccessingResources.. and when accessed through beginAccessingResources.. they are not present on the device and take time to complete whilst updating progress

Is this everybody else's experience?

Have anyone able to work with initial tag? On Xcode 7 it doesn't work.

Yes, this is also my experience. Any resolution yet that you know of?

Am also getting my loading screen with INITIAL_INSTALL_TAGS on TestFlight builds, which would imply that they were being downloaded as conditionallyBeginAccessingResources had failed.

Apple TV / TestFlight / Xcode 7.1.1

Does anyone know how to test this yet?

I am running XCode 7.2.1 and using the tags for asset bundles from Unity 5.3.2p4. Installing the app directly to the device also downloads the bundles in game as if they were not downloaded before. I guess XCode is just not pushing them as content with the app.

I also trying to use initial install tags, I even filled a bug ticket, but nothing is happening. These settings inside Xcode: "Initial Install Tags" and "Download Only On Demand" are not really working. Whatever I setup, it downloads everything at the beginning, AFTER I open the app, and not in the install process as written in the documentation.

If I open the app again it detects that everything is downloaded, that means the ODR are working fine.

I'm using Xcode 7.3.1 and tvOS 9.2.2 beta. My project is done in Unity and the prefetch tags are set later in the Xcode project manually.

Has anyone got Initial Install Tag to work as described in the document?

When I checked the https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/DemoBots/Introduction/Intro.html sample app, they had 3 tags as Initial Install Tags (Blue, GroundBot, Level1). But, they seem to call beginAccessingResources at the start of the app to Download them. Is this the expected behavior?

same, impossible to debug On-Demand Resources use in app installed from Testflight

ODR Unable to get Initial Install Tag Working