Is this particle effect possible with SCNParticleSystem?

I want to create a fireworks simulator using SceneKit, and I want to achieve a similar effect to this:

As you can see, each firework particle has a trail effect, creating the "spokes".

The sample above was mainly done using Unity's sub emitters. I haven't been able to find out how to do this with SCNParticleSystem, I don't think sub emitters are available in SceneKit. Is there a similar tool in SCNParticleSystem to achieve this effect?

Thanks in advance.


Not 100% because SCNParticleSystem is very simple particle system.

Create a new SceneKit particle system file in Xcode and fiddle with it :-)

Surely something as simple as fireworks can be created with SceneKit‘s particle system. You will likely have to use multiple particle systems though. Spawn a new one based on the position, life, and/or velocity of the individual particles in the master particle system.