No destinations were specified with the -destination flag

Hi, all.

I've started xCode server (9.2) on remote machine.

I successfully created the bot for testing scheme of my obj-c framework from my dev MBP xCode9.2.

When I perform bot's integration, I receive following error:

"Assertion: No destinations were specified with the -destination flag which were valid for the specified scheme 'MyFrameworkTests'."

I looked into Raw Build Log and it seems that appropriate Simulator is found by ID (8DAA4200-CB3A-4C64-A0C2-E2D38C678FBC):



$ /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild analyze test

-enableCodeCoverage YES

















-scheme MyFrameworkTests


-project /Users/xcodeserver92/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots/eae8b09fd2d170c62a4d0c501201b5f5/Source/ios-my-framework/MyFramework/MyFramework.xcodeproj

-derivedDataPath /Users/xcodeserver92/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots/eae8b09fd2d170c62a4d0c501201b5f5/DerivedData


-destination-timeout 30

-destination id=8DAA4200-CB3A-4C64-A0C2-E2D38C678FBC


-resultBundlePath /Users/xcodeserver92/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Integration-eae8b09fd2d170c62a4d0c501201b96c/xcodebuild_result.bundle


Last lines of Raw Build Logs:


2018-01-07 12:02:05.710 xcodebuild[2820:79084] [MT] DVTDeviceSearch: Device <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fe5eb1dfc80> {

SimDevice: iPhone X (8DAA4200-CB3A-4C64-A0C2-E2D38C678FBC, iOS 11.2, Shutdown)

} is a potential match.

2018-01-07 12:02:05.710 xcodebuild[2820:79084] [MT] DVTDeviceSearch: Device <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fe5eb1dfc80> {

SimDevice: iPhone X (8DAA4200-CB3A-4C64-A0C2-E2D38C678FBC, iOS 11.2, Shutdown)

} validates options.

2018-01-07 12:02:05.710 xcodebuild[2820:79084] [MT] DVTDeviceSearch: Search found devices: (

"<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fe5eb1dfc80> {\n\t\tSimDevice: iPhone X (8DAA4200-CB3A-4C64-A0C2-E2D38C678FBC, iOS 11.2, Shutdown)\n}"


xcodebuild: error: No destinations were specified with the -destination flag which were valid for the specified scheme 'MyFrameworkTests'.


Any ideas?




I found the solution.

The problem was in selecting both "Analyze" and "Test" options in Testing bot's configuration.

It's Apple's bug. I tried to submit a bug report, but was told that it's a duplicate of another issue.

Please find below excellent guide about CI and Xcode9 server setup:

iOS 11 Swift Programming Cookbook by Vandad Nahavandipoor