How to test a multiplayer game with two devices

I am new to iOS game development and have been trying without success to set up a simple test environment to test the invitation process for my game. I am very confused about how iTunes connect is supposed to work. To test a two player real time game do I need to set up two new apple IDs in iTunes connect? If so, then what? I have an iPod and and iPhone I'm using to test the game. Do I need to log out of the current apple ID on each of those devices and then log in with the new apple IDs? Both devices are logged into GameCenter and I see the devices sending messages to each other to start the game but when I click on the invitation on the receiving device, the sending device just spins waiting for the invitation to be accepted and never runs the didFind protocol code in the GKMatchmakerViewController class. Thank you in advance for your help.


>Do I need to log out of the current apple ID on each of those devices and then log in with the new apple IDs?

To test a two player game you need to have one device logged in as one player and the other device logged in as the other player.

I know this probably sounds like a dumb question but what are the testers logging in to and with what id and password? I've created two new emails as instructed and registered those email addresses in itunes connect. Why this is necessary I don't understand, but if I'm a tester holding my iphone, am I logging in to itunes connect somehow an then inviting the other tester to play? I should mention that I'm trying to set up a test environment where one player is running using xcode (connected to a macbook) and the other is running on an iphone or ipad. This is so I can trace player interaction on one of the devices using xcode.

I believe you are logging into the Game Center.