migrating from ALAsset to PHAsset

Is there any official Apple document that shows best practices for migrating code from ALAsset (old asset manager) to PHAsset (new Photo stuff)?


I don't know any migration guides, but how about comparing two AVCam sample codes?

Current version utilizes AssetsLibrary, and prerelease version uses Photos framework.

Thanks. I will have to check out those examples you mention. I don't know why I am not getting emails from this new forum system. So I just found your response. It used to email you when you got a response to a posting. Probably have to set it up email again? I have the post marked as Following...hmm... Anyway, I ended up just slogging thru the asset code piece by piece, trying to find the matching PHAsset API.

It's been a long time, and I'm afraid Apple has removed the older version, so Current version uses PHAsset and I cannot find the older version utilizing ALAsset.

(Though, of course, the sample code is still useful to find how you can use PHAsset in a typical scenario.)

Clicking `Welcome {your screen name}`, and you can find Preference link. `Inset` is the setting where you can be notified about usual replies. If it's already set, check your registered email address and SPAM setting.

My recommendation would be to look at the ALAssetsLibrary header files. In the iOS 9.X SDK they contain deprecation notes and an indication, which method/API of PhotoKit should be used instead.

oh thanks for the hint on the preferences. i have tried that, let us see if it works.

oh that is a good clue on the old framework header files... for future reference

Let us see.

One more, if you find a good tutorial or example of using PHAsset, please share your info.

has anyone figured this out? Does anyone have an example they would be kind enough to post. I am trying to load a list videos from the library into a uitableview. I have this working with Alsset, which is now derecated. Can anyone please help? Thanks