WWDC18 Questions?

Refering to https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/scholarships/

It says that to be eligible for the WWDC18 I must be:

  • Registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or
  • a member of a paid Apple Developer Program

I tried registereing for an apple developer account with my appleID, and they charge me $119 per year, so how do I get the free developer account for this competition?

It also says that I must:

Create a visually interactive scene in a Swift playground...

Does that mean I can create a

  • Swift Playgrounds application (Swift Playgrounds on iPad),
  • an iOS application (Xcode on macOS), or
  • a Mac OS application (Xcode on macOS)?

It there a different theme every year or can I start building right now, because March is only 2 months away?

Sorry for the long post,

Thank you!


Note that link and it's information was specifically related to the 2017 event, which, of course, has already completed.

Please hold your questions concerning the 2018 event until those details are announced, some time next year, as they can easily change.

If you're looking to get a head start, brush up on your Swift and the latest tools so you have a good foundation when the next versions arrive.

Thanks and good luck.