Apple CalDav server behaves erratically when asking for expanded retrieval of recurring event

I am using CALDAV:calendar-multiget REPORT for expanded retrieval of recurring event. The request looks like:

We are making the following given request for expanding recurring event.

curl -X REPORT \ https:/ -H 'authorization: Basic XXXXXX' \ -H 'content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8' \ -d '<c:calendar-multiget xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:c="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"> <d:prop> <c:calendar-data> <c:expand start="20171201T000000Z" end="20180101T000000Z"/> </c:calendar-data> </d:prop> <d:href>/1234567890/calendars/work/ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL.ics</d:href> </c:calendar-multiget>'

I noticed that the consequtive reuqests for the same recurring event with expand view gives different results. I mean some times it gives the recuriving event with out expanding and some times it expands. It looks like strange and not able to identify why it is happening.

We are planning to build some module to extract recurring event instances. Can you please help us to address the issue,