Safari toolbar's popover not showing off

First, many thanks for your time.

I'm developing a Safari extension with a toolbar icon. By clicking on the toolbar icon a small popover is shown and the user can set Safari's app extension preferences. I just used the projects defaults, so I have, in the extension:

  • SafariExtensionHandler.swift
  • SFSafariExtensionViewController.swift
  • SafariExtensionViewController.xib --> contains the popover layout

So far so good. My machine runs macOS High Sierra. In SafariExtensionHandler.swift I have:

    override func popoverViewController() -> SFSafariExtensionViewController {
        return SafariExtensionViewController.shared

also in SFSafariToolbarItem, Action is Popover.

So when I click on the toolbar item, I get the SafariExtensionViewController.xib layout,

but not when I distribute to my clients, they get a functional extension, but they only see an empty popover (macOS High Sierra).

I'm using a Cocoa project with a Safari Extension attached to it and swift programming language.

Inside the SafariExtensionHandler I am overriding the viewWillAppear function, to populate correctly the settings

    override func viewWillAppear() {
        // settings are here

Any clue? Is any additional call required in popoverViewController to ensure the xib controller is shown?


Update: after latest MacOS update I'm getting the same issue as well. When I run the extension I have this error in the error log:

2017-12-22 15:37:07.320567+0100 Extension[4524:479851] <NSViewServiceMarshal: 0x7ffc3801c1c0> implicit request for resize of <NSWindow: 0x6000001f4d00> to {0, 0} was not granted as-is; set breakpoint on -[NSViewServiceMarshal implicitResize:ofWindow:] to catch this

I suspect some problem with the resize of the Popover. Investigating further.

Nailed it! You have to add:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);

in SafariExtensionViewController.swift!

If I'm reading this correctly, the popover is showing, but none of the content is visible, is that correct?

One thing you could try is setting a preferred content size of your SafariExtensionViewController when it is created.

any news on the subject?

Did setting self.preferredContentSize (as frnkundrwdsuggested) help?

This should be automatically handled for you if you create a new Safari App Extension using Xcode 10 Betas.

Does anybody have a solution? I can't get the popover working. I get this in the debugger: The extension's toolbar item was clicked but that's it. I have set permission in the plist file to "All" and i run on xcode 10 non beta.

- (void)messageReceivedWithName:(NSString *)messageName fromPage:(SFSafariPage *)page userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
    // This method will be called when a content script provided by your extension calls safari.extension.dispatchMessage("message").
    [page getPagePropertiesWithCompletionHandler:^(SFSafariPageProperties *properties) {
        NSLog(@"The extension received a message (%@) from a script injected into (%@) with userInfo (%@)", messageName, properties.url, userInfo);

- (void)toolbarItemClickedInWindow:(SFSafariWindow *)window {
    // This method will be called when your toolbar item is clicked.
    NSLog(@"The extension's toolbar item was clicked");

- (void)validateToolbarItemInWindow:(SFSafariWindow *)window validationHandler:(void (^)(BOOL enabled, NSString *badgeText))validationHandler {
    // This method will be called whenever some state changes in the passed in window. You should use this as a chance to enable or disable your toolbar item and set badge text.
    validationHandler(YES, nil);

- (SFSafariExtensionViewController *)popoverViewController {
    return [SafariExtensionViewController sharedController];

If toolbarItemClickedInWindow is being called in your extension, it sounds like you have your toolbar item set to perform a command instead of showing a popover.

In your extension's Info.plist - in the SFSafariToolbarItem section, you should see Action => Command. If you change that to Action => Popover, then your extension will start to display the popover.