When will XCode itself officially support vim plugin?

I was happy to use XCode 8.3 with XVim plugin. But, since one of my colleagues introduced the new "availability" check syntax newly available to Objective-C, I have to upgrade my XCode to 9.1 to be able to compile the project.

However, I am so used to the vim key-bindings. So, I still keep my XCode 8.3 to edit code, but use XCode 9.1 to run the project, which, to some degree, is kind of annoying.

So, I am wondering will XCode officially support a vim plugin one day?

I am also waiting on vim integration. For the time being, I just use vim for code and Xcode for interface builder and running projects.

I find it super careless towards developers to have dropped plugins support several years ago, without any alternative to use vim, and so far, Xcode 12 beta, still nothing in sight. EVERY other IDE has plugin/vim support. Why can't this company, that puts so much care in their consumer products, and takes a store cut of 30%, provide a better editing experience?
Lack of Vim support is one of the reasons why I did not yet adopt Swift. I would better code in Xamarin iOS with C Sharp and Vim support than Swift with clickity-clack for jumping in code and waiting years for caret to go where I need with arrows pressed.

Thanks universe I configured ctrl + hjkl with Karabinet, at least that I have everywhere.
hope it support ASAP
hope it support ASAP
hope it support ASAP
Eagerly waiting for vim support in Xcode.
Pls Xcode 13
I use AppCode to type my code. It is so annoying to not have VIM support in-built to Xcode. At least add support to VIM plugin.
For a large minority of devs an editor without vim bindings is unusable. This is not to say that vim bindings are better or anything like that, i'm just saying that if you are used to them their absence is not just an inconvenience, it's an obstacle to getting actual work done.

It's not dissimilar to asking a driver who's used to automatic gear to drive a car with manual gear.
Please, Apple! Add Vim support!
I tried XVim, it requires constant manual signing whenever upgrades.
I tried Appcode along side Xcode. It's a hassle. I'm used to navigating through code in Xcode. And with 2 IDE open, it slows the Mac down.
It seems adding native support form vim would be ideal, something like ideaVim would be much appreciated!

I just can't use an IDE without Vim support.

Good thing it was just added to Xcode 13 beta on June 7, 2021

Xcode 13 includes Vim support!

When will XCode itself officially support vim plugin?