R-Bar Button Item "Dimming"

I have an app on the store. It loads and functions, but recently when I seque with a R-Bar Button item (R-BBI), and hit the back button, the R-Bar Button Item is dimmed (not gray, but light blue). The R-BBI still functions, but is dimmed. If I re-start the app it is undimmed until I seque again. This happens in 2 separate views, and believe I first noticed this after a recent update of iOS 11.X &/or Xcode. The app was submitted in Oct.under Xcode 9, so I don't think it could be because of the Xcode upgrade, but I'm not quite sure where to go with this. Any suggestions?

Accepted Reply

If it is of interest to anyone, the RBBI dimming issue appears to have gone away with today's upgrades to iOS 11.3, and Xcode 9.3. This is true for devices (presumably an iOS 11.3 fix) and Simulators (presumably an Xcode 9.3 fix). I made no changes to original IB or app code.


I appreciate the views. Some added info on the "problem". I have just noticed that if I rotate the device portrait <-> landscape the R-BBI is no longer dimmed and that if I segue back and forth with the R-BBI the dimming appears to happen more in portrait mode (always), while the performance is more stable in landscape. I don't know if this is a BBI, Navigation Controller, or segue issue? Any advice/insight is appreciated in advance.

Another data point on the R-BBI dimming issue. I ran my app in Xcode 9.2 on the 5,5s,6,6+, 7, 7+ simulators, running under iOS 10.2 and the R-BBI dimming issue does NOT occur. Have tried checking and un-checking 1,2, many... boxes (regarding BBI's, segues etc.) in Autolayout to no avail. This issue seems to be related to iOS 11.2 (vs 10.2). As always, any further insight would be appreciated.

PS. My actual device is iPhone 8 running iOS 11.2.1.

Did you ever get an answer to this? I've got the same problem.

In my viewcontroller with hand coded rightbarbutton, I fixed the problem by moving the button setup code from viewDidLoad to viewWillAppear. IB defined buttons are still broken as you describe.

No. Not a peep, except from you. I used IB (not coded) for RBB item and only use viewDidLoad and not for RBB item. The problem seems to have something to do with IB and iOS 11 vs iOS 10 (where it worked fine)?! The app functions, and "kind of" self corrects if I rotate device (i.e. un-dims the RBB item). I have also "tested" with a stripped down app with only segues and dummy images. The RBB dimming still occurs (in iOS 11). I have also looked at the Debug View Hierarchy (not a lot of experience with it) and the RBB item is on top of the "stack", i.e. not under something else. I'm at a loss.

If it is of interest to anyone, the RBBI dimming issue appears to have gone away with today's upgrades to iOS 11.3, and Xcode 9.3. This is true for devices (presumably an iOS 11.3 fix) and Simulators (presumably an Xcode 9.3 fix). I made no changes to original IB or app code.