Increase launch image time??

I've managed to make my launch screen image show up the way I want on all devices when I run the simulator by importing the image in CDV.LaunchScreen.storyboard in Xcode 9.2, but the problem is that the launch screen image is not displayed long enough, how can i delay the time so that the launch screen appears up to 2 or 3 seconds or so? Also, when running the app in the simulator there's a white flash on the screen right after the launch screen image has been displayed and before the app loads, how do i get rid of that?

Thanks in advice!


The launch image is displayed until your app has its main window ready. If you want to delay it, for example to test changes you've made to your launch storyboard, you can put something like sleep(5) in your -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: callback. Do not do this to keep your logo or something on screen for longer — don't do anything to delay making your app responsive to your users!