Do I want to add all the products in iTunes connect for IAP- Non renewable subscription? and is it possible to give prices other than price tier in iTunes connect?

Hi i am using StoreKit for In App Purchase.I have some Doubts on that.

I am getting the product details(like product Id, price and product details) from server API's.I have more than 300 products

So ,

Do I want to add all the products in iTunes connect for IAP- Non renewable subscription?

And is it possible to give prices manually(in programming) other than price tier in iTunes connect?The price of the content may vary depending on the duration(Example: 1 week subscriptio = $99, 2 week subscription = $199,..) on same product.


300 products is alot. One alternative approach is to sell a bag of Tokens that can be exchanged for 'products' in the app. Another alternative is to have only one duration for the subscription and require that it be renewed after that duration.

The reason why quoting prices is frowned on is because in England the price will be something different and the currency will be pounds not dollars. Same in every other country - so what price are you going to quote? You can download the price infomration and display it:

        NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
        [numberFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
        [numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
        [numberFormatter setLocale:[[response.products objectAtIndex:0] priceLocale]];
        [[[response.products objectAtIndex:0] localizedDescription]
                     stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@",
                    [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:[
                       [response.products objectAtIndex:0] price]]];

Hey, were you able to resolve this? We're are facing a similar issue for 150 IAP. The pricing is different for different currencies.

How did you add 300 products to iTunesConnect? Also, any luck with variable pricing?