iOS 11 password nagging for IAP testing

In iOS 11, if you are logged in to an Apple ID that is on the TestFlight tester list when you launch a development or TestFlight build, iOS seems to recognize your account and treat it as a sandbox user. However, we are getting constant password nagging from iOS 11 which makes it very tedious to test IAP. iOS asks for a sandbox environment password each time we do any of the following:

  • Launch the app
  • Load the product list from the store
  • Make a purchase
  • Manually load the app receipt
  • Other situations where the cause is less clear

All told, we end up having to put in our password 4 or 5 times in order to make a sandbox purchase. This excruciatingly tedious process greatly slows down testing.

Is it normal for iOS 11 to constantly require you to re-enter your password when testing IAP in a sandbox environment? Is there any way to cut back on or eliminate the constant password nagging?


You should only be getting a request to log in when you try to refresh the receipt, restoreCompletedTransactions or make a purchase request. And each user should not get more than one such request in testing an app. If you are being asked to log in at other times then you are either doing something wrong or you might have unfinished transactions in your purchase queue. Finally, if you are testing IAP you want the log in to appear - that's what 'testing' means.

Thanks. The number of password prompts we are getting is extremely excessive - if real users had to put in their password this many times, no one would ever bother to make an in-app purchase! It sounds like the most likely culprit for some of the excessive prompts is an unfinished transaction, so I'll look into that more.