Guide to develop HomeKit Accessories


can anyone make a guide for developing HomeKit accessories? The HAP spec. just goes over my head, and the other resources are basically useless. I am trying to make accessories with a basic understanding of OOP concepts(about 3 years in school so far(I'm in the 11th grade)). I would like a complete guide from the hardware selection all the way to the coding and setup. thank you. and I am not talking about HomeBridge and the like, I am interested in developing accessories the official way that apple recommends


Step-by-step, then.

• Software side: Start with the simulator. See h ttp://

• Hardware side: Can be an extensive topic here in the devForums, even after settling on device type. A water heater controller's details differ from those surrounding a doorbell camera, as an example.

>The HAP spec. just goes over my head

The first step in tackling a task is to identify your needs. Sounds like understanding the HAP deserves your attention. This might be a good time get into mechanical engineering, as an example, rather than relying on shortcuts from others that may make your road longer. Give yourself an assignment to learn how to read specs and go from there.

Good luck.