apple tv 4k @2x app store icon

Does anyone know what has happened to the @2x version of the app store icon? Before Apple TV 4K was publically released I submitted a build to the app store following the icon design guidelines to add @1x and @2x versions for the small and large versions of the icon. However today I'm trying to submit and I'm getting this error:

ERROR ITMS-90718: "Invalid Image Asset. The App Store Icon must only contain an image with size (1280pt × 768pt @1x). Refer to for more information"

Heading over to the docs and there's no mention to a @2x version of the app store icon??! How strange.

This is so puzzling because I was able to submit with an @2x version of the large icon a month ago. But this totally answers something that I noticed when I was in an Apple store in Singapore. I used an Apple TV 4K obviously on a 4K TV, I brought up my app in the app store and could instantly tell that the icon looked blurry. All of the icons did. I figured this was just an early 4K tvOS bug. But now that I'm seeing that because this has been removed from the docs and the asset validation process does not even allowing apps to be submitted it appears to be a bit of an attempt at making out this was a deliberate choice because it clearly looks blurry and wrong on a 4K screen AND even Xcode has an @2x slot for the large icon. Sounds like a disconnect between Apple software developers. Not allowing devs to upload these assets suggest blurry icons are here to stay, what a stuff up.

Currently I'm removing the @2x versions of the large icon from my build and have manually removed the mentions to these files from the content.json files in the icon asset catalogues but xcode keeps adding the @2x listing back in without a file path. This doesn't mess with submission however, my build is now passing asset validation, but is another hint that something is not right with this picture.


I'm having the exact same issue; I removed the Icon Image Asset entirely and re-added it, and there's a new App Store Icon Asset (apparently for marketing purposes) that wasn't there previously. However, it has the exact same dimensions as the large Icon and has a Front/Middle/Back. I tried giving it the images it wanted, however when I uploaded it I'm still getting the same error your mentioned above. So what I don't understand is how we're supposed to format this new required App Store Icon Asset correctly?

Got it figured out, just insert @1x Front/Middle/Back Icon images and no @2x images whatsoever. Also I made sure the contents.json is correct:


"size" : "1280x768",

"idiom" : "tv",

"filename" : "App Icon - App Store.imagestack",

"role" : "primary-app-icon"
