how to off-screen rendering like glFramebufferTexture2D() in Metal

Hi all,

I want render contents to off-screen rendering in Metal, like using glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, glTxture, 0); in opengles.////glTxture is a opengles 2d texture

So in metal , what can I do?



In order to do that in Metal, you use textures you want to render to as attachments (color, depth or stencil) in MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor IMHO this is much easier to setup then horrible GL framebuffer setup, especially for rendering to more than one target at once.


Hi MikeAlpha,

sure, I know using mtlrenderpipeline and renderpassdescriptor to attach a metal texture for offscreen draw.

But my found some strange thing.When I get a mtltexture from a cvpixelbuffer, and setup a metal render pass to draw this texture, i debug the texture is right by drawing right reslut ,but cvpixelbuffer is the same image.

So, why pixelbuffer could not be kept the same result with metal texture?