shortcut for opening Developer Documentation from the editor

If I'm recalling correctly, prior to Xcode 9 I was able to open the Developer Documentation for a particular symbol in the editor by Option-Double-Click'ing on it. That shortcut now brings up Quick Help instead. Is there still a way doing that, rather than having to choose Developer Documentation from the Window menu and then typing the symbol into the search box?


Accepted Reply

It shows quick help. And if you go to the bottom of window and click the reference, you get the full documentation.

May be it was deleted to avoid waiting for the double click time out ?


It shows quick help. And if you go to the bottom of window and click the reference, you get the full documentation.

May be it was deleted to avoid waiting for the double click time out ?

Ah, the Class Reference link at the bottom of the Quick Help panel! I missed that. It's one extra step but still way better than having to open the documentation window from the menubar.
