In-App Purchase Returned: How to upload new binary for review with in-app purchases included when product IDs are fetched from server?

Our app currently supports consumable in-app purchases. We recently tried adding some auto-renewable subscriptions, and those in-app purchases were returned with the following notes from our App Review:

Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

We have begun the review of your in-app purchases but aren't able to continue because your submitted in-app purchases indicate a change of business model for your app. Therefore, we need to verify the implementation of your submitted in-app purchases in the app to ensure your app, and its in-app purchases, are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

Please upload a new binary for review and resubmit your in-app purchases with the binary so that we can continue the review.

This seems like a chicken-and-egg problem. We are waiting for Apple to approve our new auto-renewable subscriptions before we can begin including them in our app. Our app fetches the available product IDs from our server, so we never have any in-app purchase product IDs explicitly included in the app. The only way we would be able to allow Apple to test our implementation of our auto-renewable subscriptions in the app would be to have the server send those auto-renewable product IDs to the app, and so the server would also be sending those auto-renewable product IDs to users on existing versions of our app--but we can't use those product IDs until Apple approves them. What are we supposed to do? Am I misunderstanding what "resubmit your in-app purchases with the binary" means? How do others who also fetch their product IDs from the server resolve this?

Thanks in advance for your help!


App Review wants you to submit a new binary so that it queues up correctly for review.

If you have no IAPs then the first IAP gets reviewed with a new binary. If you already have IAPs then additional IAPs can be reviewed without a new binary. You are in the second category but App Review is saying 'no' - you must revert to the first category. They can't do that unless you submit a new binary.

You can submit your current binary with just a different version number.

Thanks for your response, PBK. We saved the new IAPs again so that their status changed to "Waiting for Review" and then submitted a new binary, which got approved, but our IAPs still say "Waiting for Review." Does "resubmit your in-app purchases with the binary" mean that there is some additional step we have to take in order to include the new IAPs with the binary? How can we get our IAPs to come out of the "Waiting for Review" status?

Thanks again!

It sounds like you have run into a problem with the way App Review got your submission. You need help from technical support. Good luck.