Changing business model from free to paid


we have an iOS app (racing game) published as free with in app purchases and ads which is not going as good as Android version which uses a different business model (a free limited version with ads and in app purchases and a full paid verision with in app purchases but no ads).

We are thinking about changing the business model of the iOS version to match the Android version, that is we want to make the iOS version paid (with in app purchases but no ads) and add a new free app (with in app purchases and ads) that will the limited version of the paid app.

The iOS version is online since one year and half and despite our efforts the ranking is low (always respect of Android version).

Are there any cons for this change?




You will lose all your current users.

You can update the app with a new version that does everything. Limited, switch to less limited with ads, IAP eliminates the adds and goes to full version.

Hello PBK thank you for your reply. What do you mean with lose all current users? AFAIK, all users that download the app when is free, will be able to download it again even if it will be paid, but it will lose the ranking.