Apple Pay spins at "Processing" after calling completeMerchantValidation

We're having an issue where once we get the response from our backend with the session information and passing it into completeMerchantValidation. Basically the "Processing" spinner stays for about 10-15 seconds then just fails saying "Apple Pay Not Completed. This website was not able to complete the payment. Please try again."

There are no console errors. It's a valid response from Apple. But no details as why this is happening?

I've ensured that the response we get from Apple is the exact object that's passed into the completeMerchantValidation call. I even put a console log after this to ensure no exceptions were thrown.

iOS 11.1 (15B93)

This was tested over wifi and cellular network.

I have now tested this on 4 different devices and it happens on all of them.

  • Were you able to find a solution to this problem?

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Hi, Any luck with fixing this ?? -Naga

We're haiving the same problem where the apple pay prompt displays and just spins never allowing you pay and eventually just throws the error:

"Apple Pay Not Completed. This website was not able to complete the payment. Please try again."

We actually received this error through the certified braintree module we installed, not entirely sure what to do next.

In my case it was just that the domainName sent was not correct, making it the same as the server host name/ip, fixes the issue. In my case I make the call from a java servlet so I set the domainName to pRequest.getServerName() and it started working. Previouly I had the hardcoded domain which is used in merchant validation on my apple pay dev account


I am also facing same issue, I have checked for domainName but still facing the issue.

Have you found any solution on this issue.


We're having an issue where once we get the response from our backend with the session information and passing it into completeMerchantValidation. Basically the "Processing" spinner stays for about 10-15 seconds then just fails saying "Apple Pay Not Completed. This website was not able to complete the payment. Please try again."

There are no console errors. It's a valid response from Apple. But no details as why this is happening?

Any solutions? I still have the same issue. My client and server is running on the same domain so I don't think it could have anything to do with my domain.