blacklist specific iOS version or iPhone Model - dynamic/runtime

I have business requirement to provide mechanism where in -

"any point of time business team would like to black list any specific iPhone model or iOS version by changing the configuration at server"


I have achieved by below way.

Each time my app opens, it makes server call to check whether the device and OS in which app is running is blacklist or not. Server gets device and Os info in request and check for blacklist. If it is, then app will throw an error to user and user can not proceed further in the app.

My question is:

- Is there any Apple policy or guilde line violation?

- Usaully none of the platform or iOS is in blacklist check, so appview won't affect but in future if any issue with our system to particualr model or OS version, we can put that into blacklist. Will my app gets rejected in this case?

Please suggest.


Any answer for above question?

Yes, there is a guideline that prohibits it: 3.2.2(v) "Arbitrarily restricting who may use the app". There is also one that the app must run on the currently shipping OS, so by extension that would mean it must run on all devices capable of running the currently shipping OS.

It seems unlikely you'd get caught if the blacklist was disabled during app review, but there could be consequences if you are found out later.

Is this by any chance an Enterprise Program question?