Non-Standard Configuration Names With Sub Projects

My project uses two subprojects, Swift Protobuf and ZipArchive. Everything builds and archives just fine as long as I'm am using Release or Debug (i.e. standard) configurations. As soon as I add a new configuration at the proejct level and try to use that to archive, the output of the subprojects can no longer be found. I get the message: 'No such module 'SwiftProtobuf' when it attempts to compile my generated proto buf swift file at the line where the SwiftProtobuf module/framework is imported.

I found a question on SO where the user seems to be experiencing a similar issue to what I'm facing. I followed one of the suggestions there which was to add the following to my framework search paths build setting:


This worked in Xcode 8.3, but I haven't been able to get it to work in Xcode 9. Is there a way to figure out where my new non-standard configuration build is looking for the modules? Any idea why it's no longer working with the workaround from SO?


did you figure anything out for this?