iMovie can't handle iPhone X App Preview size?

iMovie can't handle iPhone X App Preview size?

Imported a 886x1920 media into iMovie in a "App Preview" project. Export shows iPhone 8 size then?!

Suprisingly 886x1920 is the requested App Preview resolutuin for iPhone X videos. Unexpted.

Any ideas?


i'm getting the same unfortunately. It seems to be converting the X resolution to a plus size one

Same here 😟

Ugh, please fix this issue. Right now, if a developer does not submit iPhone X screenshots then an iPhone X user will see iPHone 8+ screenshots and video. However if a develoepr submits iPhone X screenshots but no App Preview (which we can't since iMovie won't generate the correct resoution) , then users will see iPhone X screenshots but not video - the app store does not default to the iPhone 8+ preview video. Sooooo annoying....please fix.

I know 😟 I need it fixed ASAP!!

Same here, I think the only solution right now is to scale it by yoursef.. Please Apple, fix it

Any updates on this? We're not able to produce iPhone X previews without this feature!

Hello, I struggled with this for almost a whole day today and wanted to offer the workaround that I found in the end: I used Adobe Premier Pro, and its .mp4 export allows customized sizing of resolutions. I recorded my video through XSplit Broadcaster at 1920 by 886, and cut the video with Adobe Premier Pro with the resolution of 1920 by 886 and 30 frames max, and I was finally able to pass the submission. It's definitely not ideal that iMovie itself can't be used in this case and I know that I am lucky to have Adobe, but I hope that my workaround can at least help some of you out there. Good luck!

I have an iPhone 8 and encountered this today. The workaround I tried (and that worked), was to first import the video files to Photos. Then, from there, export to my local drive. Then when I went to iMovie, I could see the preview frames when I selected the directory I saved them to. I was then able to select and import to iMovie.


i cant apply my application??

After dealing with this issue the whole morning, I found a free app that will do the job. APOWERSOFT VIDEO CONVERTER, just make the app preview using Imovie, then use the video converter to change the sizes accordingly.

Apple, please give us an update fixing this asap!

I received the follosing response from Apple. I don't think this response from Apple is correct. Our app, iphone X images, and non-iPhone X images were approved. We also uploaded an app preview for non-iPhone X which Apple assured me would play alongside the iPhone X images. I'm terribly confused. There is scant information about how to resolve this. Even Apple's iTunes Connect folks don't know or understand the issue.

"As I understand, you are wanting to know if your app preview will still play in the App Store alongside the iPhone X images. My name is [---] with Apple Developer Program Support, and I’ll be happy to assist you. Your app preview will still play in the App Store alongside the iPhone X images as long as the devices that are being used are compatible."

Hi, I searched for this app but it doesn't exist.

I am facing the same problem, using an iPhone X to create a app preview screen capture. The size is not supported by Apple.

The simplest way to achieve this, as long as you have ffmpeg (which can be easily installed with homebrew) is:

1) Create a new app preview in iMovie

2) Add a small clip from your iphone 8 plus (or 6 plus, or 6s plus) to your iMovie project. This will jig it to output for the iphone plus size

3) produce the rest of your video with your footage from the iPhone X

4) export your video. It will come out as 1080 x 1920 with black letterbox bars on the side for your iphone X footage.

5) share you app preview and save it somewhere

6) Use this command to crop your video

ffmpeg -i my_shared_app_preview.mp4 -crf 12 -filter:v "crop=886:1920:97:0" my_cropped_app_preview.mp4

7) The new file, named "my_cropped_app_preview.mp4" will be the correct format and resolution.



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Awesome mate thanks!

What a pain trying to get something out of iMovie 😕 it's so weird. Anyway FFMPEG to the rescue!

I think my imovie was generating a file that was too small so I used this to kinda force the scale first -

ffmpeg -i AppPreview.mp4 -acodec copy -crf 12 -vf scale=1080:1920,setsar=1:1,"crop=886:1920:97:0" AppPreviewConverted.mp4

Might help someone else out...

