Xcode 9 can not enable iCloud in Capabilities tab.

When I try to enable iCloud (iCloud Documents) in General tab,

It shows below alerts and can not build.

⚠ Add the iCloud feature to your App ID.

⚠ Add iCloud Containers to your App ID.

Alearts in General tab

⚠ Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "Target" target's entitlements.

⚠ Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.***.xxxx" doesn't match the entitlements file's values for the com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers and com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers entitlements.

This error only appears when I try to enable with new app.

My previous apps(enabled iCloud feature with Xcode 8) can build and run.

These previous apps also shows "⚠Add iCloud Containers to your App ID." error, but can build and run.

Accepted Reply

I had a similar issue. "Add iCloud Containers to your App ID" would always give an error despite all settings to be correct.

I found a workaround that fixes the error:

-Deliberately edit the bundle identifier with a wrong value

-Click away and allow errors to appear from the erroneous bundle id

-Then retype the correct bundle id. This allows the iCloud Container to restore itself.


I had a similar issue. "Add iCloud Containers to your App ID" would always give an error despite all settings to be correct.

I found a workaround that fixes the error:

-Deliberately edit the bundle identifier with a wrong value

-Click away and allow errors to appear from the erroneous bundle id

-Then retype the correct bundle id. This allows the iCloud Container to restore itself.

You are my hero.

Thank you so much!

Thank you!

Genius!! Thanks a lot!! 🙂