After iPad upgraded to 11.03 camera won't go ON in an app developed for AR with ARkit

Hello Forum members:

I have two identical iPads model MPGT2LL/A. One is no longer able to access the camera from an ARkit applitcation. I have tried all the troubleshooting via Settings/Privacy on the iPad. The iPad that works with the AR application is running iOS version 11.0 (15A372) and the one not working with the AR App has been upgraded to 11.03. Has anyone experience the same problem? The app is running on iPhones running iOS 11.03.



What does 'no longer access' mean? Is there an error that the user sees? Warning? Silent fail? Log evidence? Only during live debug? Can native apps see/use the camera while your app can't?


Upgraded the iPad from 11.0 to 11.03.

Run the app on the newly upgraded iPad, and the app worked perfectly. I was prompted to allow the camera when I first run the application. It all worked fine.

On the second iPad, the one that has not been working, the application still does not prompt to allow the camera. We have done a complete reset of it, but still the same problem.

The app has been installed in the same manner on both. We have installed via TestFlight.

App support team suggest to take the second (the notworking iPad) to one of the Apple Stores to have them check it out.

Thank you for all the replies and input. I will post any resolution that I find to this.

Any response on this?