Split view questions

I used the split view template to create a split view app and made some modifications to it. I added a static table view after the navigaton controller with a segue to a view controller with a map, a segue to a popover, and a segue to a table view. Everything is working correctly on the iphone 7 but with I run it on an ipad the detail view is blank when I open the app. I would like to display the map on the right with my static table view on the left when the app is started. Can that be done with the storyboard or should it be done with code? Also, do I need a navigation controller before a static tableview?

One other question. Does anyone have any Swift 4 sample code to unwind the popover? I have found some code for older versions but nothing with Swift 4.

Accepted Reply

For anyone interested in an auto segue I used this code:

DispatchQueue.main.async {

self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "Map Segue", sender: self)


I have done research on unwinding a popover and there seems to be a bug in it. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?


For anyone interested in an auto segue I used this code:

DispatchQueue.main.async {

self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "Map Segue", sender: self)


I have done research on unwinding a popover and there seems to be a bug in it. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?