RPScreenRecorder startCaptureWithHandler quality

I'm trying out screen recording in my app and I'm testing two different methods. I'm testing both with just recording a draggable element being quickly moved around the screen. Video quality produced by startRecordingWithHandler is great. The dragged element moves around smoothly and there's virtually no difference between the video and how it originally looked. I need more control over the recording, though, so I was excited to see that startCaptureWithHandler was added in iOS 11, but the quality is just atrocious. The video is really choppy and you just see the dragged element occasionally jumping around the screen. I've tried various video settings for the asset writer but I would expect much better from the following basic high bitrate settings:

  AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecTypeH264,
  AVVideoWidthKey: width,
  AVVideoHeightKey: height,
  AVVideoCompressionPropertiesKey : @{
  AVVideoAverageBitRateKey : [NSNumber numberWithInt:20000000],

Has anyone else tried startCaptureWithHandler and gotten decent results?


I have the capture handler implemented, but I can't get working video from it. The first few seconds are extremely choppy, and seem to be missing frames in fact, and I haven't been able to get audio to work correctly, or microphone audio. Would love some help on this as well.

Were you able to improve this at all?