AVAudioUnitComponentManager.shared().components not working iOS 11 Xcode 9

AVAudioUnitComponentManager.shared().components(passingTest: { (components, _) -> Bool in


return true


This code prints either only the system AUs or also the installed AUv3s depending on the combination of Xcode and iOS as follows:

Xcode 8.3.3 and iOS 10.3.1 prints AUv3s

Xcode 9 and iOS 10.3.1 prints AUv3s

Xcode 8.3.3 and iOS 11 prints AUv3s (sim link device files into Xcode 8.3.3)

Xcode 9 and iOS 11 does NOT print AUv3s

Does anyone have any ideas what is going on? I am out of ideas.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Lucas Goossen

Accepted Reply

I got an answer from the core-audio mailing list.

> As of iOS 11 the "inter-app-audio" entitlement is required to able to scan the plug-ins installed on the system.


I got an answer from the core-audio mailing list.

> As of iOS 11 the "inter-app-audio" entitlement is required to able to scan the plug-ins installed on the system.