Which IAP product type for multiple subscriptions simultaneously

Which IAP product type should I use when we would like to purchase/renew subscriptions corresponding to 1 or multiple hardware devices simultaneously (which can be managed through our app)? In our case, a customer could have bought several of our products, all of which should be manageable through our app. Consequently, for each product (a GPS tracker), the customer requires a subscription.


You can use either autorenewable or non-renewing for these different subscriptions. You may find that a non-renewing subscription is easier if your subscription options overlap. That is, it's easier to convert non-renewing subscriptions (sub1 + sub 2) to non-renewing subscription (sub3) (e.g. a subscription for device 1 and then add a subscription for device 2 but if you subscribe to 2 or more devices then you get X or it's cheaper) . If they are autorenewable then you have a bunch of issues.

Only if the various product offerings do not overlap would I recommend autorenewable.