How can I add my own robot extension for Swift Playgrounds?

The robot in this case is a BBC micro:bit-like board, I'ld like to connect with bluetooth LE to the board, upload programs and run them on the board.

But I don't have access to any documentation on how to do this with Swift Playgrounds. Guees it would be simliar to something that has been created by the developers of the currently existing extensions:

  • Sphero SPRK+
  • Parrot drones Mambo, Rolling Spider, and Airborne
  • MeeBot by Jimu Robots
  • Dash by Wonder Workshop
  • Skoog musical instrument


It doesn't look like there's any official documentation for the new PlaygroundBluetooth API yet - the best I've found so far is this year's WWDC "What's New In Swift Playgrounds" talk:

Also see last year's talk, which is an introduction to the subject.